Urban Resting Spots in Seishin-Chuo, Kobe
駅前広場や商業施設のリニューアルオープン、庁舎や文化施設の新設など、目まぐるしく進化する神戸市 西神中央。西神中央活性化プラン「進化する上質なまち」のコンセプトに見合うよう、新しい駅前空間のシンボルとなる居場所空間を提案します。モチーフとなる波の形態は、整然とした駅前空間に刻一刻と流れていく、人の様相や、出来事、出逢いなどを、多様なまま受け入れます。
The interplay of waves reflecting people's encounters
In the rapidly evolving area of Nishi-Shinjuku Chuo, Kobe, where new public squares, commercial facilities, government buildings, and cultural centers are continuously emerging, we propose a new symbol for the station-front space that aligns with the concept of the "Evolving High-Quality Town" of the Nishi-Shinjuku Chuo Revitalization Plan. The motif of waves, chosen for this project, gracefully accommodates the ever-changing array of people's interactions, events, and encounters within the orderly station-front space.
For the materials, we are utilizing Hinoki cypress sourced from Hyogo Prefecture. In collaboration with Kobe technicians skilled in advanced woodworking and manufacturing techniques, we've minimized waste and costs through pre-production simulations and employed a 5-axis milling machine for production.
The design features dynamic movements that further energize the town’s activity, aiming to create a space where the future inhabitants of Nishi-Shinjuku Chuo can enjoy rich sensory experiences.

Year : 2024
Location : Plenty Plaza, Seishin-Chuou, Kobe City, Hyogo ,Japan
Type : Public Furniture
Status : Completed
Collaborator : Hiura.inc (Fabrication)