
Eri Tsugawa / 津川 恵理


Experience and Education :
2013年京都工芸繊維大学卒業(エルウィン・ビライ研究室)。2015年早稲田大学創造理工学術院修了(古谷誠章研究室)。2015-2018年組織設計事務所に勤務し、東京オリンピック2020選手村、海外/国内のホテルや集合住宅の設計に従事。2018-2019年Diller Scofidio + Renfro (NY)に文化庁新進芸術家海外研修生として勤務。国際コンペ、ヴェネツィアビエンナーレの展示制作、トロント大学の基本設計、カジノの実施設計、プラダの鞄デザイン「PRADA Invites」、都市演劇「Mile Long Opera」の演出等に従事。2019年ALTEMYとして独立。2020年より東京藝術大学教育研究助手に着任。

早稲田大学/東京理科大学/東京電機大学院/日本女子大学 非常勤講師。

Yo Tomura / 戸村 陽

ALTEMYのデジタルデザイナー。デザイン、モデリング、アニメーション、ビジュアライゼーション、コーディングを担当。建築分野に限らない技術がデザインにもたらす可能性を実験的に模索している。複雑な大型建築の三次元モデルをDigital Project (CATIA)やGrasshopperで作成、管理、合理化もする。

Experience and Education :
2014年早稲田大学創造理工学部建築学科卒業(渡辺仁史 / 小林恵吾研究室)。2014-2016年同大学院所属。2016年noizにてインターン。2016年-2018年SCI-Arc MArch II修了。2017年にATLVにてインターン。2018年よりゲーリーテクノロジーズ(ロサンゼルス)に勤務。2019年ALTEMY参画。

京都工芸繊維大学 特任研究員

Takahito Konishi / 小西 隆仁


Experience and Education :


Shuma Tei / 丁 周磨



Eri Tsugawa

Eri Tsuagawa is a representative of ALTEMY.

She is an architect to design an Architecture and a Visual Environment. It is not limited to architectural design but sometimes extends to clothing, products, art pieces, furniture, the environment, and landscape. She has been thinking about how to connect with architecture, a sense of human and society by using the power of art, and the latest technology.

Experience and Education:
Eri Tsugawa had worked with Diller Scofidio + Renfro (New York) in 2018 and 2019. She was working on the international competition, making over 2.5M height model for Venice Biennale, schematic design of Toronto University, design development of Casino, designing the garments “Prada Invites“, and direction of “Mile Long Opera“. Before that, she worked at a Japanese architectural design firm and was involved in Tokyo Olympic Village 2020. Eri was in the master of architecture program at Waseda Univ in Tokyo in 2013 and 2015. She got a Bachelor of Architecture from Kyoto Institute of Technology in 2013.

Yo Tomura

Digital Designer at ALTEMY.
Project Researcher at Kyoto Institute of Architecture
Licensed First Class UAV (drone) Pilot in Japan.

He is in charge of designing, creating animations, visualization, and coding. He believes the possibility of creating the new architectural design process from new technologies that are used in fields which is not limited to architecture
He is also a digital design consultant, where he takes complex large-scale architectural 3D models into BIM with Digital Project (CATIA), Navisworks, Grasshopper, and scripting.

Experience and Education:
Yo Tomura had been working in Gehry Technologies (Los Angeles). He graduated from SCI-Arc MArch II program in 2018. He worked as an intern in ATLV founded by Satoru Sugihara in LA in 2017. Yo was in the Master of Architecture program at Waseda University in Tokyo between 2014 and 2016. He got a Bachelor of Architecture from Waseda University in 2014 (Hitoshi Watanabe and Keigo Kobayashi lab).